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Religions Freedom is Not Just for Christians: Jay Wexler

Religions Freedom is Not Just for Christians: Jay Wexler

Here at Things Not Seen we are big fans of Jay Wexler’s books. He’s been on the show in the past to discuss pivotal First Amendment religion cases, which he wrote about in Holy Hullaballoos. Then he talked to us about what happens when environmental laws and religion come into conflict, which he wrote about in When God Isn’t Green.

Now he returns to talk with host David Dault about his recent book, Our Non-Christian Nation. In it, Wexler examines the so-called “marketplace of ideas” - a very American concept that promises a level playing field for majority and minority religions alike, in theory. The practice, however, is very different. Wexler outlines the efforts of atheists, satanists, and other minority religions to secure the equal protections promised them in our Constitution.

Along the way, he brings his usual balance of humor and wisdom, helping to make clear what is often a very complex knot of controversies.

Ministry in a Time of COVID: Rick Lee James

Ministry in a Time of COVID: Rick Lee James

The Prophetic Gospel of Tupac Shakur: Daniel White Hodge

The Prophetic Gospel of Tupac Shakur: Daniel White Hodge