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The Fear of Islam: Todd Green

The Fear of Islam: Todd Green

Our 2012 guest Todd Green returns to our show to discuss his new book, The Fear of Islam: an Introduction to Islamophobia in the West.

Green speaks frankly about the political and religious rivalries that fuel what he and others refer to as the "Islamophobia industry." He also relates his experiences leading students to Europe to study Islam - and the fear of Islam - "on the ground," where controversies erupt every day.

The Fear of Islam is a timely and extensively researched study of anti-Muslim politics and rhetoric. Looking at both America and Europe, the book utilizes statistics, on-the-ground reporting, and interviews with some of today's leading experts on politics and religion, t present a clear view of the contemporary situation.

Our guest, Todd Green, is assistant professor of religion at Luther College. He talks with us about the religious and political aspects of Islamophobia, and the factors that contribute to its presence in American culture.

Green is a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post on Islamophobia, as well as religious issues dealing with the American political scene.

You can listen to our earlier interview with Professor Green here.

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