Episodes by Release Date


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Best of Both: Susan Katz Miller [Rebroadcast]

Best of Both: Susan Katz Miller [Rebroadcast]

Author and journalist Susan Katz Miller is both an interfaith child and an interfaith parent. Her book, Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, is both a memoir and a call to action for intentional interfaith community. We talk about how her experiences have shaped her approach to family and religious practice, and the politics of raising interfaith families.

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Our conversation with Susan Katz Miller continues our exploration on Things Not Seen with the way in which people negotiate multi-faith and interfaith relationships. We have looked at this question from the theoretical side in our conversation with John Thatamanil, as well as the practical side. Our conversation with Joanna Brooks also touched on the notion of interfaith child-rearing (in Brooks's case, Mormonism and Judaism).

Healing from Regret: Michelle Van Loon [Rebroadcast]

Healing from Regret: Michelle Van Loon [Rebroadcast]

Emerging, Emergence, Emergent: Phyllis Tickle [Rebroadcast]

Emerging, Emergence, Emergent: Phyllis Tickle [Rebroadcast]