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Lillian Daniel Part 1

Lillian Daniel Part 1

Lillian Daniel has been the pastor of the First Congregational Church of Glen Elyn, Illinois for the past decade. In 2013, she caused a stir with the bold title of her book, When "Spiritual but Not Religious" is Not Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church. We talk about the ideas behind that title, as well as the influence Congregationalism and non-liturgical corporate worship had on early American democracy.

Also on the show, Katy Scrogin reviews the new book by S. Brent Plate, A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects: Bringing the Spiritual to Its Senses.

In October 2013, Wheaton College and the American Bible Society co-hosted a two-day conference on The Bible and Democracy in America.  The staff of Things Not Seen was invited to participate by conducting in-depth interviews with many of the conference speakers. In these two episodes, we feature our conversation with the Reverend Lillian F. Daniel. You can listen to Part 2 of our interview here.

Her book, When "Spiritual But Not Religious" Is Not Enough: Seeing God In Surprising Places, Even the Church is a provocative case for why religious community matters.

Reverend Daniel is an editor at large for the Christian Century Magazine, and a contributing editor at Leadership Journal, her work has also appeared in The Huffington Post, Christianity Today, Relevant Magazine, Books and Culture, The Journal for Preachers.

For several seasons Lillian Daniel was also a regular host on 30 Good Minutes, a weekly television program produced by the Chicago Sunday Evening Club. 

Also on the Show

Katy Scrogin reviews the new book by S. Brent Plate, A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects: Bringing the Spiritual to Its Senses.

From the publisher's website:

"Humans are needy. We need things: objects, keepsakes, stuff, tokens, knickknacks, bits and pieces, junk, and treasure. We carry special objects in our pockets and purses, and place them on shelves in our homes and offices. As commonplace as these objects are, they can also be extraordinary, as they allow us to connect with the world beyond our skin. 

A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects takes a fresh and much-needed approach to the study of that contentious yet vital area of human culture: religion. Arguing that religion must be understood in the first instance as deriving from rudimentary human experiences, from lived, embodied practices, S. Brent Plate asks us to put aside, for the moment, questions of belief and abstract ideas. Instead, beginning with the desirous, incomplete human body (symbolically evoked by “1/2”), he asks us to focus on five ordinary types of objects—stones, incense, drums, crosses, and bread—with which we connect in our pursuit of religious meaning and fulfillment. 

As Plate considers each of these objects, he explores how the world’s religious traditions have put each of them to different uses throughout the millennia. We learn why incense is used by Hindus at a celebration of the goddess Durga in Banaras, by Muslims at a wedding ceremony in West Africa, and by Roman Catholics at a Mass in upstate New York. Crosses are key not only to Christianity but to many Native American traditions; in the symbolic mythology of Peru’s Misminay community, cruciform imagery stands for the general outlay of the cosmos. And stones, in the form of cairns, grave markers, and monuments, are connected with places of memory across the world. 

A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects is a celebration of the materiality of religious life. Plate moves our understanding of religion away from the current obsessions with God, fundamentalism, and science—and toward the rich depths of this world, this body, these things. Religion, it turns out, has as much to do with our bodies as our beliefs. Maybe even more."

Lillian Daniel Part 2

Lillian Daniel Part 2

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